Lotus flowers, known across the world for their beauty and colorful elegance, cover the surfaces of lakes, ponds, and other shallow, stagnant, or slow-moving bodies of water.
Surprisingly, while most of us would be able to quickly identify a lotus flower from its iconic shape, very few would be able to do so through smell. So,
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Do Lotus Flowers Have A Scent?
Yes, lotus flowers have a very distinct and unique scent. The scent of a lotus flower is sweet, delicate, and a highly floral smell.
This is surprising to many that assume that lotus flowers have an unpleasant scent because they mostly grow in swampy or stagnant bodies of water.
Those fond of making comparisons have likened the distinct smell of lotus flowers to that of roses and even jasmine.
However, the scent of lotus flowers is far more subtle than that, with a distinct watery freshness that neither rose nor jasmine possesses. Additionally, there is a very noticeable note of powdery musk.
All in all, lotus flowers have a scent that has captivated millions of people throughout history, and this has led to a celebration of the lotus flower in art, literature, and religion for centuries.
One of the most awe-inspiring characteristics of the lotus flower is its ability to stay clean and produce a sweet, fresh scent even though it often grows in turbid, muddy, and even fetid water.
But, how does the lotus flower manage this amazing feat?
How Do Lotus Flowers Keep Their Scent So Fresh Amongst The Muck Where They Grow?
Lotus flowers stay clean and smell pleasantly sweet despite growing in dirty water because their leaves have a unique structure and some surprising physical properties.
Lotus flower leaves are covered in a special wax-like residue that makes them effectively waterproof. This waxy coating repels dirty water and other environmental contaminants.
Another feature of the lotus flower that allows it to stay clean and smell great is the concave shape, which causes water droplets to roll off the waxy surface and wash away any dirt and grime that may have worked its way there.
But it’s not just the leaves that contribute to the cleanliness of the plant, the flowers themselves help as well. You see, the flowers have a similar waterproof coating on their surface, and the petals have a rugged texture, that further aids the plant to stay free of dirt and muck.
All of these properties come together to give the lotus flower an amazing and somewhat awe-inspiring ability to remain clean despite the typically dirty environments where it is found. It is because of this ability that the lotus flowers maintain their sweet, fragrant aroma.
Therapeutic Qualities Of The Lotus Flower Scent
As it turns out, the scent of the lotus flower has a lot going for it. The therapeutic qualities of the scent of the lotus flower have been known for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy circles.
For example, the sweet, subtle fragrance of the lotus flower reduces stress and promotes profound relaxation. For this reason, essential oil made from lotus flowers can be used to treat anxiety and other related syndromes.
The scent of the lotus flower is also said to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. In fact, taking a deep whiff of the lotus flower scent can help to clear out the airways and promote breathing. As such, the lotus flower scent has been used as part of aromatherapy aimed to treat asthma and other types of respiratory ailments.
As if that weren’t enough, the sweet lotus fragrance is said to help reduce the most common symptoms of depression.
Final Words On The Smell Of Lotus Flowers
The lotus flower has a distinct soft scent, which despite the typically stagnant bodies of water where it grows, manages to be very pleasant. The scent is very delicate and reminiscent of the scent of roses and jasmine, but with a subtle tinge of freshness.
As a result, the scent of the lotus flower has been highly valued and sought after throughout history both as a perfume and as a therapeutic.